Dr. Verna Cornelia Price is an internationally known human potential expert who specializes in personal power, excellence and change. As the CEO of The Power of People Consulting Group, LLC™, a leadership and management consulting firm specializing in personal power, leadership and change, Dr. Verna consults with diverse audiences spanning from corporations, government agencies, not-for profits, K-16 educators and universities. She has worked with clients across the United States, Europe, The Caribbean, Central American, Africa and China. Dr. Verna has founded multiple organizations in the USA including an Undergraduate Leadership Academic Minor at the University of Minnesota, The Power of People Leadership Institute, Girls in Action™ and Boys of Hope™.
In 2017, Dr. Verna was honored with a Founders Award from the University of MN for Co-founding the Undergraduate Leadership Minor, which is now the largest academic undergraduate leadership program in the world. In 2017, she was also awarded a Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of MN, College of Education and Human Development. In 2013, Dr. Verna was named an Everyday Hero by EBONY Magazine and was awarded the MN LINKS Emerald Award. In 2010, Dr. Verna was named Entrepreneur of the Year by the Black MBAs and Pioneer of the Year by Women Venture.
Dr. Verna is a best selling author of three books, The Power of People: Four Kinds of People Who Can Change Your Life, The Silent Cry: Dealing with Subtracters in Work and Life , and Change Your Life in 30 Days. Dr. Verna received her Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Administration from the University of Minnesota, is married and has four children.
Based on her bestselling book, Change Your Life in 30 Days , Dr. Verna challenges you to think about your life in a holistic way combined with monthly webinar-based small group coaching . During the program, Dr. Verna will not only inspire, motivate and inform, but she will also hold you accountable for the change you want to see in your life through reflective exercises and writing. You wanted to change? Then here’s your opportunity!
You CAN and WILL change when you put in the WORK it takes to create that change. Through daily videos, audio readings, affirmations and change exercises.
Dr. Verna will not only inspire, motivate and inform, but she will also hold you accountable for the change you want to see in your through on-line coaching and reflective writing. You wanted to change? Then here is your opportunity!
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